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At Green Magnolia Home Inspections our job isn’t complete until you feel comfortable and all of your questions and concerns are answered.

We love hearing from you anytime! Call or email us if you have any questions or use the online form to set up a home inspection.


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Should I consider a Full Home Inspection when buying a home?

Yes! It is highly recommended that interested home buyers get a Full Home Inspection to gain a better understanding of the home they are looking to purchase. A Full Home Inspection can make your aware of any key issues that may need to be addressed and so you can budget accordingly, make an informed decision, and ultimately, gain confidence in your home purchase.

What do home inspectors look for?

Home inspector is trained to look at 300+ items in and around the home that could potentially affect its condition and safety. During an inspection, inspector thoroughly assess various aspects of the property, including the structural components, electrical system, plumbing, HVAC systems, roofing, insulation, and more.

Should the buyer be present during the home inspection?

While it is not mandatory for the buyer to be present at the inspection, buyers who attend should use this time wisely to measure the space, take any photos they need and learn about their new home. Our home inspector is happy to answer any questions the buyer may have when the inspection is complete.

I’m in the process of buying a house, when do I get a home inspection?

Once your offer is accepted and you are officially under contract, it’s time to schedule your home inspection. Every contract is different, so it’s important to book your home inspection accordingly; however, in most cases, the home inspection needs to occur during the contingency period. Most inspectors offer next-day, weeknight and weekend availability. When you’re ready, contact us to get scheduled.

What should I expect to see in the home inspection report?

All Green Magnolia Home Inspections  reports are detailed, easy to read and include pictures from throughout the home. Any findings during the inspection are outlined in the inspection report and delivered to you via email within 24 hours.

How long does a home inspection take?

The time it takes to complete a home inspection depends on a number of factors including the home’s square footage, if any additional buildings or areas are being inspected, and if additional services are being provided. On average, a 2,000 square foot home takes 2-3 hours to inspect.